Social Studies

Harmful Traditional Practices in Nigeria

len Alfred Ajibola - Tue, 30th April, 2019 @ 1:32 PM

Topics in Social Studies

Family bond and cohesion: Ways to achieve family bond Importance of good family reputation Family: Types of family and advantages of living together Culture and social values on marriage Culture and social values on religion Sexual abuse in children: Forms and effects of sexual abuse Peer pressure explained with its types Values and Norms explained What are norms? Types of norms Differences between values and norms How to prevent fraud Types of fraud explained Fraud as a contemporary social problem in Nigeria Explanations on the social problems in Nigeria and their solutions Contemporary social problems in Nigeria What is culture? Components of culture in social studies Child marriage and its consequences Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation What is healthy self-esteem? Characteristics of healthy self-esteem Causes of Environmental Problems

Academic Questions in Social Studies

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Twitter is a part of our social environment.

  • A. True

  • B. False

The following are objectives of social studies except _____.

  • A. It teaches morals and values

  • B. It enables us to better understand our environment

  • C. It creates national consciousness

  • D. It assists in producing upright citizens

  • E. It promotes the military form of government

  • F. It fosters judicious use of resources

Which of the following is not a natural cause of environmental problem?

  • A. Tsunami

  • B. Deforestation

  • C. Earthquake

  • D. Drought

  • E. Hurricane

  • F. Tornado

Conflict can simply be defined as a clash of interest.

  • A. True

  • B. False

_____ refers to a personal reflection of one's overall self worth.

  • A. Integrity

  • B. Reputation

  • C. Personality

  • D. Self-esteem

  • E. Psychoanalysis

  • F. Attributes

A type of marriage whereby a christian man marries a muslim woman is termed _____ marriage.

  • A. Faith

  • B. Religious

  • C. Denominational

  • D. Interfaith

  • E. Intrafaith

  • F. Church-Mosque

_____marriage is said to exist between couples who have lived together for a very long time with no prior form of marriage.

  • A. Open

  • B. Convinience

  • C. Trial

  • D. Left Handed

  • E. Companionate

  • F. Common Law

Tribal marks - Len Academy

The above image is considered a part of harmful traditional practices. The following are similar examples of such practices except _____.

  • A. Sharo

  • B. Wuuse

  • C. Female Genital Mutilation

  • D. Widowhood

  • E. Breast Ironing

  • F. Child Marriage

Harmful Traditional Practices:

Harmful traditional practices are those forms of culturally acceptable activities (norms) committed against girls, women, infants, men and boys within certain communities and had been propagated from one generation to another.

Various forms of harmful traditional practices are present in many parts of our world; but our main focus will be the occurrence of these practices in Nigeria.

Understand that various harmful traditional practices in Nigeria occurred more in the past; compared to what’s happening now (in this modern times).

It is a generally acceptable fact that culture is the way of life of people. It includes the dress mode of the people, how they bury their dead, their kind of food and so on. Interestingly, it is also true that the harmful traditional practices are originated from culture itself.

You can read on the concept of social studies here.

Of course, culture is what defines the people but the truth is; it should not be unchangeable. In this light, whenever a cultural practice had been identified as unhealthy and harmful, it should be done away with as soon as possible.

Note: The focus of this article will not be specific to any culture, tribe or religion.

Below are some of the cultural practices in Nigeria that have been identified as harmful:


  • Breast Ironing

Ask any girl who have gone through this experience and she will tell you how bitter it can be. Some may jokingly say that it’s even more painful than the pains of labour.

In some cultures, as soon as a young girl starts developing breast, it is believed that she will end up becoming promiscuous. With this false mentality, when the mother (or other women) discover that the young girl had started developing breast, they will gather around her, while using a hot grinding stone to iron her breast in such a way that it becomes flattened.

Please read on factors that lead to failed marriages here.

With this knowledge, some of these young girls would rather run away from the house as soon as they discover their breast development. Others may attempt to hide their growing breast by wearing large clothes, but for how long can they continue to do this?


  • Tribal Marks

Tribal Marks - Len Academy

Have you ever seen some unbelievable marks on the faces of certain people with regards to their culture? If yes, then this is what tribal mark entails; although it goes beyond the face.

The sad part to tribal marks is the fact that it's done on the newly born child (a boy or girl) who will grow up to live with this embarrassment, depression and disfiguration all through his or her life, depending on the complexity of the marks.

Please read on self-esteem and how to overcome low self-esteem here.

The tribal marks are given by tearing up a child’s face with a sharp knife or razorblade. After this gruesome facial or bodily tear, some form of substance is immediately applied to the wound. The child weeps until he or she gets tired of weeping.

I have read the story of a beautiful lady who was a victim of tribal marks. She said:

I have been racially abused, depressed and embarrassed to the extent that I ruled out every option of going to the university even though I had the brains and financial capability.

Adetutu Alabi

Adetutu Alabi tribal mark - Len Academy Adetutu Alabi - Model

At the moment, Adetutu, a model, is doing fine but nevertheless, she had vowed to do all she can to stop this evil portraying itself in the name of culture.

Please read on reputation and how to build a good reputation here.


  • Female Genital Mutilation

It sounds so strange and absurd to me that the best way to stop promiscuity in the society is through the act of female genital mutilation (FGM) on a newly born girl child.

This evil act of FGM requires the cutting or removal of the clitoris and labia minora (with a knife or blade or any other sharp object) in the vagina of the newly born.

Please read on the consequences of female genital mutilation here.

Female Genital Mutilation is an abuse on the sexual right of any female child. As a result of this evil act, the victims are unable the enjoy sexual intercourse all through their lifetime.

Please read more on fundamental human rights here.

Accompanying this evil act are diseases like HIV, vaginal stenosis, vesico-vaginal fistula, psychological trauma, emotional trauma and much more.

Please read on the male reproductive system here.


  • Widowhood

A widow is a woman whose husband had died. In some cultures, it is a crime to become a widow since the discrimination and aftermath experience can be horrible.

The first thing that is done (from the family of the deceased husband) is a an accusation that the woman is responsible for the death of her husband. To this end, the widow is forced to drink the water used in washing her husband’s corpse. Consequently, she and her children will be denied the properties of her late husband.

Often times, presenting this case before a court (by the woman) will lead to a direct endangerment of her life and that of her children. Out of fear, the widow usually fails to utilized the justice system to her advantage and vindication.

Please read on the arms of government and their functions here.

Widowhood as a form of harmful traditional practice ensures that the widom becomes ostracized from the husband’s family before being allowed to go penniless.

Apart from the emotional and psychological trauma accompanied with this act, drinking the water from a corpse can lead to a variety of life threatening diseases; for instance, ebola.


  • Child Marriage

How can a girl child who is supposed to be in primary or secondary school be forced into marriage with a much older man? Unfortunately, this is the case with child marriage. This is not right in its entirety and should be condemned in all ramifications.

Meanwhile, it is worthy of note to state that the girl child has an equal human right just as the male child or every other person.

Please read more on gender equality here.

Every female child has a right to education and a right to marry. Marriage should not be forced on anyone. In some instances, some persons have decided not to even marry because it’s their right to choose celibacy if they wish to.

Please read more on child marriage and its consequences here.

Education remains the future and backbone of every society. It is the key towards a bright future and its importance cannot be overemphasized.

You can read on values in civic education here.

An educated girl child can achieve any feat if she works hard. She can become the president of a country in the future. I can keep on writing on education but the fact still remains that: Education is a key to knowledge; and knowledge is light and power.


  • Marital Flogging (Sharo)

Is it a crime for a man to marry?

According to certain tradition and culture, a man anticipating marriage with his potentially beloved wife will have to undergo some merciless beatings in the name of love.

Sometimes, this lover man will endure a variety of beating styles which are associated with dangerous weapons in an attempt to prove to the woman's family that he is man enough and is ready for marriage.

Please read more on marriage and forms of marriage here.


  • Child and Teenage Hawking

Child hawking - Len Academy

Some may say 'poverty can lead to desperation' while others will affirm that 'illiteracy is a disease'. However, poverty and illiteracy are considered as major factors that can result into child hawking.

Child hawking is said to occur when a child (between ages 5 and 17) carry some petty goods on his or her head, walking along the streets or road to sell these goods.

After the day’s job, the child hawkers remit all the sales made to their parents or guardians. Unfortunately, it is a pity to know that some cultures are in support of this barbaric act, even in these modern times.

Sadly, these children become victims of circumstances since some are killed in road accidents while others may have a part of their body amputated as a result of the accident.

Unfortunately, the chances of having a right to quality education is jeopardized by this very act of child and teenage hawking.

Please read more on illiteracy here.


  • Native doctors appealing the gods of their land

This can occur in different forms, for instance:

According to some traditions, when a king dies, such king will be buried alongside seven heads of innocent persons. This is done with the belief that these will continue to serve the dead king in the afterlife.
Please read on Mary Slessor, the woman who stopped the killing of twins.

In another instance, the blood of virgins may be required to appease the gods of a land in a bid to atone for a curse which is believed to be brought about by the sins of the people.
Please read the summary of the gods are not to blame.

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Notable points in Social Studies

Social Studies is defined as an integrated study on the interaction of human beings with their physical and social environments.

We can think of our environment as everything that surrounds us at any point in time. For instance, the soil, air, your clothes, phone and everything surrounding you right now are all part of your environment. (That is, they make up your environment).

Physical environment describes every visible thing around us. It could be water, air, soil, clothes, phones or all other things found around us.

Social environment on the other hand describes the various social roles or positions that influence an individual or a group. It is represented in our culture, norms, values, the people and various institutions with whom we interact with. Meanwhile, understand that social media applications like facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and the likes present a social environment where people can interact with one another regardless their geographical location around the world.

Please read on the meaning and objectives of social studies here

The causes of environmental problems can be either natural or man-made.

Natural causes of environmental problems will include the followings:

  • Erosion

  • Earthquakes

  • Drought

  • Tsunami

  • Tornadoes

  • Hurricanes

Some of the man-made causes of environmental problems are:

  • Pollution

  • Ozone layer depletion

  • Deforestation

  • Uncontrolled urbanization

  • Increased turnout of waste

  • Flooding

Environmental problems can be defined as problems associated with the lithosphere (land), atmosphere (air) and hydrosphere (water) as a result of man's action on earth.

Below are some of the constituents that make up our environment. These constituents may in turn act as factors that bring about environmental problems. They include:

  • Air or Atmosphere

  • Soil

  • Water

  • Bacteria

  • The people around us

  • The animals around us

  • The things around us. For instance, books, food, shoes, phones and so on.

Please read more on environmental problems here.

The following proactive processes can help reduce conflict in various organizations:

  1. Communication

  2. Set conflict guidelines

  3. Encourage collaboration and teamwork

  4. Proper recruitment process

  5. Promote social events

  6. Applying fair treatment

  7. Listening and understanding skills

  8. Private opinion and feedback from staff

  9. Gender equality

Please read more on conflict management in organizations here